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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [22スレ]
188VIP村人a [] : 2006/12/02(土) 08:08:56.92 ID:a2zB5otF0
You are my VIP star.

Although the star without a name was looked for,
while not having been found by it, the day broke.
On quiet Saturday morning
It becomes in December and the second day is shown.
Where did it go?

It does not answer, even if it asks a blue sky.
You are my VIP star.
It is an important star even if not visible.

Even if it looked for the star without a name
The night which is not found came.
On quiet Saturday night.
It becomes in December and the third day is shown.
Where did it go?

It does not answer, even if it asks a starlit sky.
You are my VIP star.
It is an important star even if not visible.

Where did it go?
Did you carry out in the distance?
You are my VIP star.
It is an important star even if not visible.

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