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No.3789 ( 詞リスト )
(1) bloody rain英作詞/AkuC101_72
We are apostles of God.
There are us to destroy a bad person.
We are spokesmen of justice.
There are us to correct the world.

Why unfair things are allowed?
Are all the things inconvenient for oneself heretical?
Like a leaf flowing through the river, are we flowed in the times?

Do you remember a dream of the childhood?
I only hope to fulfil dreams.

I carry through my justice even if I betray a friend.

We were scattered before an enemy.
The bloody rain is falling.
*音源リスト ( 曲リスト / 血だらけ )
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1 (1)bloody rain 109_277 作曲/音羽 (うた)(オケ) [seesaa]