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1件中 1 - 1件目を表示 ( <<前 次>> )

No.15179 ( 詞リスト )
(1) 10の歌英作詞/JSTA672_101
one time I have told you love .
two times you have listened to me again.
three times I have said it is truth.
four times you have jumped and downed.
five times we have kissed at home.
six times we have fought.
seven times we have gone to the park.
eight times we have spent your birthday.
nine times we have seen great sunset.
What will celebrates our ten times anniversary.
*音源リスト ( 曲リスト / 血だらけ )
No 投下 リンク
1 (1)10の歌 672_177
作曲/ゆ (うた) [seesaa]
※音源lost yuyunoyu.