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No.11593 ( 詞リスト )
(1) Spot Rock英作詞/規制用2スレ19454_351<>sk2_19
I want to become special.
No one must seen.
I want to become perfect.
No one must known.

The stage is low and dirty. It is not a danced place.
I want to dance gaily. More! More! More!

I had forgotten it.
Here was your territory.
storms of complaint that if it begins.
I don't want to disappear yet. Yeah Yeah!
*音源リスト ( 曲リスト / 血だらけ )
No 投下 リンク
1 (1)Spot Rock 601_666
作曲/島 (うた)(オケ) [seesaa]
2 (1)Spot Rock 797_232 作曲/島 歌/にんぢん [seesaa]