赤とんぼデータベース 検索

・No, PostNo, Title, Words, Music, Credit, FileLink, Files, Contents, Comment, Categoryがオプションとして使えます。(例:No:405)

探し場所: ページ別 件ずつ 詞リスト 曲リスト

1件中 1 - 1件目を表示 ( <<前 次>> )

No.23136 ( 詞リスト )
(1) Many Apples英作詞/947スレ29947_29
This is an apple eaten by him.
This is an apple which was eaten by him.
This is an apple which he ate.
This is an apple he ate.

These are apples eaten by her.
This is an apple which was eaten by him.
This apple is so sweet that he can't eat it.
These apples are too nice to talk.
I thank for all apples.