赤とんぼデータベース 検索

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探し場所: ページ別 件ずつ 詞リスト 曲リスト

1件中 1 - 1件目を表示 ( <<前 次>> )

No.18277 ( 詞リスト )
(1) トレイシー・ローズ英作詞/279782_197-198
She said "A man is such a thing"
What I know only as for it
No! No! No!

She is a woman of the evil spirit
It must never never approach
No! No! No!

Crazy baby oh oh Though she is a girl
Traci Traci Traci Turn to this place
Lu lu

She said "Run for your love and life"
But,Is it the truth?
No! No! No!

Crazy baby oh oh Though she is a girl
Traci Traci Traci Turn to this place Lu lu
So crazy baby oh oh Though she is a girl
Traci Takes Tokyo Turn to this place Lu lu