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No.16562 ( 詞リスト )
(1) my seeless happy seeds英作詞/あとおとえ729_222-223
Finding the seed for me
Cuz the world is black and
flow into wack sunlight
Gaze the world in the box

Zonked face, see in the box
Dazing me, so in the pox
Painful mission, caution and hex
"Pollyanna", the word suits me well

I am gudgeon
Hit and hurt
My sky is turning black and red
So muddy, so magic
Dusk broods over me with pain, with pain

Finding the seed for me
Cuz the world is black and
flow into wack sunlight
Gaze the world in the box

Finding the seed for me
Cuz my world is falling down
and going the end night
Gaze the sky in the box

I'm going to the end
So see? You know?
My seeless happy seeds
Where are they?