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No.1412 ( 詞リスト )
(1) World perversion theater words?英作詞/にゅる54_277
A Fact that there is nothing. Present I have only it.
Do I who cling to uncertain existence have a meaning?
There is no preparedness to give all up. There is also no preparedness to accept all.
I should do what?

When forgetting was strength, someone taught.
To me, even the language was pressed heavily.
If night comes, a morning will come before long.
The world where even such an opaque occurrence does not carry out doubt, either.
If one desire is realized, I want you to kill world and me.


Is there my room etc. in the point of that light that disappeared?
My only words which are only jokes melted into the air. And I was not able to accept even it.

Reality disappeared at the night, and reality faded away in a fantasy
and tortured me in the future and denied the past me.

Be "broken"