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探し場所: ページ別 件ずつ 詞リスト 曲リスト

1件中 1 - 1件目を表示 ( <<前 次>> )

No.1090 ( 詞リスト )
(1) Disappointed love英作詞/つまだ69_35
The song that I had sung yesterday had already been forgotten today.
It is a very shameful song.
Even if the mouth tears, it is not possible to say to other people.
Tears that wet my cheek yesterday were already dry today.
Something pointed skewered my chest, and it was very painful. It is still still
a little painful.
The flow of time heals me.
I will entrust the mind to the flow of time.
Tears wet the cheek again before one is aware when thinking about such
a thing.