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作曲できる奴ちょとこいっ [721スレ]
1以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/03/07(日) 10:24:37.74 ID:Ylx1wnsu0



353以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/03/11(木) 12:07:46.63 ID:M0/APNBc0
*Super CIA
Mean wise man said me "Value of life is Creation."
Mean comedian said me "He knows everything"

And I say
"Is Creation that you said moneymaking?"
"Is Everything that he knows cheating friends?"

he's just like the animal that doesn't have a mind!
People around the world is knowing that!Except you!
Right now!push down that dog in the pond.It's so easy and the quick end!

Mean old woman said me "You and I are gonna be a good friend!"
Mean politicians said "Don't bother him!Don't spoil his plan! "

And I say"Friends?It's just like a menber!" "I never bother him. I just do like your great master!"

he's just like the animal that doesn't have a mind!
People around the world is knowing that!Except you!
Right now!push down that dog in the pond.It's so easy and the quick end!

Hey!hey!come on!
Right now! Do it! Just your hands! All of you are sicking!There is no creation of values!
And I shout when he was gone.I laugh saying "Congratulation!"

354以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/03/11(木) 12:08:55.54 ID:M0/APNBc0

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